Engineered To Perform. Built To Last.
“There are three kinds of people in this world: Those that makes things happen, those who wait for things to happen, and those who wonder what the heck just happened.” – Unknown
In the world of shipping and receiving, it is imperative to NOT be one of those people that wonders what the hell just happened…for example, you don’t want to be the person that is wondering what to do now that you’re looking at the damaged piece of equipment that you unloaded…and signed for…and the truck has already pulled out of your dock…
So how do we avoid being one of those people? You perform delivery inspections! That is to say, inspect your shipments before you sign for the delivery! I know that sometimes the shop is really busy, and this is an inconvenient hassle, but in the end it will save so much time and help to eliminate headaches. Make it a mandatory part of your SOP to perform delivery inspections before signing any receiveing paperwork, and before you know it your regular drivers will come to expect it.
At WTC, it’s a part of our SOP to do everything we can to ensure that the equipment and parts that you order arrive to you in the same condition when they leave our door, however, sometimes things happen during transit that we can’t predict. It is these times when you’ll be glad you inspected your shipment before the driver left! Afterall, you don’t want your hard-earned money to end up a part of someone’s scrap pile…
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