Engineered To Perform. Built To Last.
WTC Machinery is continually researching new ideas to better support your service shops. Our latest project was for the FP250 Pin Press. The FP250 pin press has similar capabilities as the MPP250, however, offers an alternative approach at pushing the pin. The MPP250 utilizes a two tie rod design to support and press the pins while the FP250 uses a C-Frame design. The C-Frame allows for tight service needs as well as safety requirements needed in some applications. The FP250 looks a lot like the FP100 100 ton pin press, but just a touch larger as it is designed to press the largest dozer, excavator and feeder chains.
As with all of our equipment the press was designed in-house by our engineering team. After the design we tested the concept utilizing Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to prove the design will do what we say it will. After computer testing we manufacture the press and then put it through real-world testing to ensure safety, reliability and efficiency.
WTC is proud of our products and support and it shows. With over 50 years of supplying the world's best undercarriage repair equipment WTC has learned what is needed to be the industry best. Please contact us with any questions or to find out how our team can support your needs.
It is always important to stay in front of the industry and that is why WTC is proud to announce that we are part of the Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) group and once again we will be exhibiting at their annual summit. This is our 7th year exhibiting and it is always a great show. Look forward to seeing familiar faces as well as introducing ourselves to others.
WTC will be right inside the main entrance at booth 307 so please come on in and visit. Contact us or simply give us a call at 1-800-248-8405 for more information.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the show.
150T Pin Press…worth its weight in gold
It started with a conversation, ended up in the Klondike, but along the way there was a stop at a Trade Show in Las Vegas…thankfully this time, what happened in Vegas didn’t stay in Vegas! This is about the journey of a very lucky WTC 150 Ton Pin Press …
First, we’ll start at a manufacturing company in Ixonia, Wisconsin, where all of the newly ordered WTC Pin Presses are made. You may have heard of this company before, it’s been around for a LONG time…WTC Machinery! Here at WTC, we are a one-stop-shop for track repair equipment, manufacturing everything from Full Track Shops, to Torque Wrenches and Grouser Welders, and, yes, the star of this story: Pin Presses.
Now, back to Las Vegas…
WTC had a booth at MineExpo, in Las Vegas, and you’ll never guess who our guys got to meet!! They got to hang out with a few of the key players from show Gold Rush! That’s not even the most exciting part… the mechanic from one of the teams on Gold Rush had previously acquired one of our 150T Pin Presses, AND he brought it with him to MineExpo! You see, after hearing about the added efficiency, safety features, and ease of use that WTC’s Pin Press offers, the deal had been sealed.
Now let’s return to the manufacturing company in Ixonia, Wisconsin, where the real fun begins! Every piece of equipment that comes through our shop is a collaboration of whole team. Our Sales department works hand in hand with our in-house team of Design Engineers, experienced Field Engineers, and dedicated Manufacturing team, and together they make any necessary changes or customization that our customers need in order to ensure that each piece of equipment is exactly what is needed. Once the manufacturing process is complete, and our team is satisfied that every aspect of the equipment is just right, then our shipping department wraps it up with care and schedules the freight carrier to pick it up.
So, our lucky 150T Pin Press makes its way from Wisconsin down to Nevada, and after a brief stop at MineExpo, continues on to the Klondike to prove that WTC Machinery’s 150T Pin Press is worth its weight in gold!
“There are three kinds of people in this world: Those that makes things happen, those who wait for things to happen, and those who wonder what the heck just happened.” – Unknown
In the world of shipping and receiving, it is imperative to NOT be one of those people that wonders what the hell just happened…for example, you don’t want to be the person that is wondering what to do now that you’re looking at the damaged piece of equipment that you unloaded…and signed for…and the truck has already pulled out of your dock…
So how do we avoid being one of those people? You perform delivery inspections! That is to say, inspect your shipments before you sign for the delivery! I know that sometimes the shop is really busy, and this is an inconvenient hassle, but in the end it will save so much time and help to eliminate headaches. Make it a mandatory part of your SOP to perform delivery inspections before signing any receiveing paperwork, and before you know it your regular drivers will come to expect it.
At WTC, it’s a part of our SOP to do everything we can to ensure that the equipment and parts that you order arrive to you in the same condition when they leave our door, however, sometimes things happen during transit that we can’t predict. It is these times when you’ll be glad you inspected your shipment before the driver left! Afterall, you don’t want your hard-earned money to end up a part of someone’s scrap pile…
Workplace Safety – the pain in the a$$ that may prevent a pain in you’re a$$...
We have all worked somewhere that has had a workplace “accident”, right? Have you ever thought to yourself, “You know what? That could’ve been prevented if he’d just fill in the blank with appropriate action…” Well you’re right!
“We don’t work in a dangerous environment. We work in a hazardous environment that we make dangerous by not following safe work procedures and wearing our PPE.” -Brad Miles
Now granted, it often seems like a hassle to use the safety door or strap on that safety harness, right? It would be quicker to just reach in there quick and make whatever adjustment you need without taking the time to shut everything off, then make your changes, and finally to restart what you were doing… But here’s the thing: I’m willing to bet you’d think it was a lot less of a hassle while you’re thinking back on what you could’ve done differently from your hospital bed.
According to OSHA, the number of workplace accidents has been steadily rising over the past 15 years, with 2016 having the highest number of incidents since 2003! And keep in mind, that’s only the reported incidents…
It’s our philosophy at WTC Machinery that if we go the extra mile to ensure that our equipment leaves our facility with as much thought put into end-user safety as possible, then we are helping our customers ensure a safer workplace for their employees. We install secondary safety switches and doors, and use remote controls whenever possible on our machines in an effort to minimize operator contact with moving parts during operation. Check out our Products pages to see our safety features for yourself!
I’m happy to welcome you to WTC Machinery’s new blog: Track Talk!
This is where you’ll find industry relevant news, useful tips, get to know our team, and have your most commonly asked questions answered. We’ll be talking about track repair equipment, tooling, safety, shipping, preventative maintenance, you name it! I also want to say, real quickly, what this blog is not…it’s not a place to request a quote, schedule a service call, or arrange commissioning. You wouldn’t use a torch on a rubber hose, right? Let’s make sure we’re using the proper tools for the job. WTC is committed to helping you with all of your track repair needs, and to be sure of that, we have a great in-house team in place to take care of those needs. Please feel free to call or email, even send a message on FaceBook!
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