Undercarriage Repair Tooling | WTC Machinery
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The World's Largest Press Tooling Inventory

Impact Sockets WTC Manufacturing proudly maintains the world's largest inventory of tooling for undercarriage repair shops, which includes both stationary and portable track press tooling and accessories. This allows us to offer the shortest lead times on track repair tooling in the industry, with most orders shipping in less than 24 hours!

We manufacture several types of undercarriage repair tooling for all Wolff, Trackmaster, Centurion, Mattson, and WTC track presses. We also offer tooling for Bignozzi equipment, Berco track presses, and Rodgers Hydraulic equipment.  Additionally, our in-house team of engineers can design custom options to meet any of your tooling needs.

We produce and stock:

91 Series Adjustable Tooling  - Designed and patented by Wolff Manufacturing in 1979, 91 Series track press tooling is based on two sets of adjustable tool bars. One set is used for pitches under 8.0", and the other set is used for pitches between 8.0" and 11.25". The actual contact tooling slips into the tool holders, turns, and locks into place. This design eliminates duplication of tooling. The time required to change the tooling from disassembly to assembly is less than five minutes.

C-Style Spring Loaded Tooling - This tooling category is based on sets that are dedicated to one particular tractor model (Wolff, Trackmaster, Centurion and Bignozzi). Each full track repair tooling set is comprised of a disassembly and assembly set. The assembly set is spring loaded and self centering on the pin and bushing. (Jaws are not included with the tooling set.) 

93 Series Spring Loaded Tooling  - WTC Machinery is proud to exclusively offer our "hybrid" under carriage tooling. The 93 Series tooling is a combination of our C-Style spring-loaded and 91 series tooling. This hybrid design works with existing 91 series saddles and tool bars, while also offering the safety and convenience features of the C-Style tools. The 93 Series tooling allows the operator to hang the Undercarriage Links from the tooling and then operate the press "hands-free"!

And More  - We also regularly manufacture replacement 30 and 80 Series tooling for machinery manufactured by Rodgers Hydraulic. Email our sales department or call 262-567-3993.

Portable Pin Press Tooling Charts

 MPP100 Tooling - Original OTC press*

 FP100 Tooling

 MPP150 Tooling

 MPP250 Tooling

 FP250 Tooling