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Important News & Updates From WTC Machinery

Good things come in threes…
Check out these EL10000s, all lined up for their final inspection before being loaded up and shipped out. The EL10000 is a great addition to your rep...

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WTC Machinery, EL10000, Torque Wrench, EL Wrench
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2018 AED Condex Summit
WTC Will be exhibiting again at the AED Condex Summit this year in Las Vegas, NV.  We are going to be set up right inside the entrance at booth 1...

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The bells have all rung; the champagne has been toasted…
From our team here at WTC to yours, we’d like to wish you all a happy and prosperous 2018.  It’s the time of year when everyone is ...

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Yuletide Greetings from WTC Machinery!
Santa came early this year, check it out!  Look what’s being wrapped up and loaded up onto Santa’s “sleigh” for our fanta...

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Wisconsin Manufacturing
A couple of products manufactured right here in Wisconsin are loaded up and on their way to the eager customers.  WTC prides ourselves in the fac...

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Beautiful day to ship a new 200T Track Shop
Off goes another 200T track shop to an awaiting customer in the states.  This is our 200T track press, which is going in place of a press that is...

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Service here I come!
Off goes another MPP250 portable press to an awaiting customer.  Contact our sales department for more information and to receive your quote toda...

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“Working safely may get old, but so do those who practice it…” – Unknown
Let’s take a minute and talk numbers… but not necessarily financial numbers.  We’d like to talk safety numbers.  Accordin...

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So you’re looking for a portable field press…
Let us introduce you to our FP100 Portable Field Press!  Built to last with the same high standard of quality and reliability that WTC Machinery ...

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Video in the making
At WTC we know how important it is to properly use the equipment, and because of this we are working on providing training videos for all of our produ...

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