cplant posted on March 02, 2018 15:16

Remember in the Wizard of Oz, when there was a great mystery surrounding who the Wizard was? It turned out that he was really misrepresenting himself, portraying himself falsely. Well, here at WTC, we don’t want you to wonder about whom you’re doing business with; rather we’d like to show you that our business is made up of real people with families and hobbies and skills.
We are a close-knit group of people that come together with a shared goal: to deliver the best possible products and service to all of our customers, past – present – and future. Some of us may like sports, some make like to cook, others might like to fish and hunt, and still others enjoy painting or photography…So you might be wondering what the point of this is? Well, here it is: while we have diverse interests and backgrounds, we are REAL people. We are people that understand that markets ebb and flow, or that jobs fall through…we understand that growth can sometimes happen more quickly that we’re prepared for, or more slowly than we’d like.
We are engineers, sales professionals, accountants, marketers, welders, service experts, painters, machinists…. We are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, friends, neighbors… You can count on WTC Machinery to be here for you, a real person on the other end of the phone or computer, helping to find solutions for your heavy equipment repair business needs.
We are THE global leader in the design, engineering, and manufacture of machinery and tooling for heavy equipment repair facilities! Not only that, but we also buy, sell, and trade used repair equipment and tooling.